I am not very good about keeping up with friends. The ones I keep are the ones with whom occasional but frank and honest contact can be maintained. The friend I mentioned a couple posts ago who is getting divorced (and who I have known for fifteen years)? We hadn’t talked in almost a year. But I called two friends today that I hadn’t spoken to in months. It was wonderful to catch up.
Why call now? Or, why not call before? It’s not very sensible, but I think I avoid calling when I feel unsettled or unsure of myself. I won’t pull any punches if a friend asks me how things are going. But I am a bit embarrassed when I don’t have things together, and embarrassment is a potent emotion for me. (That would be 2: intersubjectivity.)
Anyway, it’s not very sensible.
Regular practice today: primary through baddha konasana, second through laghuvajrasana. Distraction level: 3/5. As I left, CL and her assistant were deep in conversation (with sketched diagrams!) of the differences in mula bandha between sexes. Love the yoga nerdiness.